There is some sort of problem in the code shifting or our world. Code Shifting is a linguistic term meaning that within each environment, one changes to the appropriate language. For instance, at work , you use a different type of language that you would if you were with your friend.

Students and adults today do not understand that there are environments in which certain language is appropriate and other language inappropriate. For instance in a school environment, there is no reason for a student to address me as "bro". There are many reasons why this is completely wrong. 1. I am not a man. 2. "Bro" is not a grammatical end to a sentence. 3. We are not related. 4. I am an adult, not your brother (or your sister for that matter).
Cursing is now the norm. An F-bomb here or some other expletive there is now just the usual. I guess that it is my Catholic school upbringing where i can still hear Sister Natalie screaming at me for "taking God's name in vain". I am not the average curser, I always find a better word to describe the feeling.
So everyone, please think before you F-ing talk. You sound like a stupid, ignorant, F**. (I could rave about the inappropriate usage of ignorant, but that would take forever.)
Miss B.
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